Leap of Faith

What a wild & wonderful journey this life continues to be…. And I am totally in – living full out, breathing into the challenges and obstacles, and learning more about myself everyday. I have always been someone who leaps – someone who leans into how I feel and then afraid or not – I jump.  This is one of those times.

I am thrilled to be letting everyone know that I am moving (temporarily to St. Thomas) and then in 2020 I am moving to PEI!!! What a chaotic wonder of emotions and activity as I move myself and my business to the East.

I will miss you all so very much & I am grateful for your love, support & presence in my life. I trust this relationship will continue to flourish.

To stay connected with me and all that I am doing, please go to my website and sign up for my blog/newsletter.  https://www.brendadowell.com/blog

If you’d like to come and practice with me, I’ve developed online downloadable yoga classes which are up on my website now for sale. I will continue to add to the classes to create more variety and options. https://www.brendadowell.com/yoga-classes

If you’d like to take a course with me, I have a couple of courses in Ontario this Fall. Anatomy: The Movement of Life with Russ Hicks in St. Thomas and Fascial Release & Yoga in Woodstock at Radiant Health & Yoga. Check my website for full details. Last time offered in Ontario for now. https://www.brendadowell.com/training

As things shift and change, I do hope to be back in Ontario sometime to teach – so, if interested, stay connected via my blog to find out when.

For those wanting bodywork, Myofascial Release, Fascial Stretch Therapy, etc. before I go, please private message or text me to set up appointment times.

Again, my heart is so full and a bit heavy to leave. I trust & I know at my heart & soul level – this is my time to fly – and PEI is my new home.

Beaming radiant waves of love and light


Brenda Dowell